Study The Word
God commands us to be students of his word. This means obsessing over the material and applying it in daily life. But there are benefits. 1 Timothy 4:13-16, Till I come, give attendance to reading,...
View ArticlePsalms of Christ: The 40th Psalm
Jesus is often pictured in the Old Testament through types, shadows, and prophecies. Jesus himself testified all things concerning himself in the Old Testament to those that walked on the road to...
View ArticlePsalms of Christ: The 45th Psalm
Jesus is often pictured in the Old Testament through types, shadows, and prophecies. Jesus himself testified all things concerning himself in the Old Testament to those that walked on the road to...
View ArticleThe Physician and the sick
Christ was often condemned by the religious elite of his day for eating with sinners. When questioned for a reason of such behavior his answer was simple, “They that be whole need not a physician, but...
View ArticleThe Church: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth
The church of the living God is an assembly called out for a purpose. What is that purpose? While encouraging his son in the ministry, Paul would remind Timothy that the church is to uphold truth. In...
View ArticleGrace Reigns
We can often often lose hope while being crippled by sin. Yet, understanding that God’s grace reigns in our live should empower us to rise above these difficulties. Romans 5:1-21, “Therefore being...
View ArticleBeing in the Presence of the Resurrection
Jesus is called the resurrection and the life. So why then would we fall into sorrow while standing in the presence of he that quickens the dead. John 11:1-44, “Now a certain man was sick, named...
View ArticleThe Purpose of Humility
Christ commanded his disciples to wash one another’s feet. For the person bowing it brings greater humility and proper perspective. But what does it do for the person who is having their feet washed?...
View ArticleFinding Joy in Temptation
Temptations are inevitable. Yet we are commanded to find joy even in the most trying times. James 1:1-12 “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are...
View ArticleFamily Integrated Worship and Family Worship
Family integrated worship is Bible prescribed, beneficial, and safe. In this sermon we define family integrated worship and discuss how worship in the home, or family worship, prepares the congregation...
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